This article was originally published by one of our customers Tatiana K on her blog @hatian.qveenn fitness. Check out her blog and learn more about how she accomplished her goals using Apetamin Syrup.
To summarize:
- Eat 3000 – 3500 calories a day in six meals
- Exercise to prevent belly fat. You gain weight everywhere
- Try to eat healthy foods. It is not always possible but make a conscious effort.
Enjoy the read and feel free to leave comments with your reactions and/or questions!
Background Info: How it All Started
The year of 2016 was one of the roughest years for me. I was going through so many things at once (getting over a breakup/ moving to a new school /family issues/etc.), and this led me to be severely depressed for at least 7 months which resulted in me losing about 20 lbs. I was too upset to eat or do anything, so I would isolate myself in my room everyday for hours and go days without eating anything.
Around that first month of 2017 is when it was brought to my attention exactly how much weight I had lost. Everyone was telling me that I looked sick, but what officially inspired me was when I was in P.E and hopped on the scale to see that I dropped from being 130 to being 118.
I was considered underweight for my height (5’9). And that’s when I decided to get my life together and gain back the weight that I lost.
How to Gain Weight
After watching 5487474548574 YouTube videos and spending thousands of hours on the computer doing research, I developed a pretty good understanding of what I needed to do in order to gain weight as fast as possible.
This applies to anyone who is trying to gain weight. You may be one of those girls that say “I eat so much but I can’t seem to gain weight”. I was one of those girls too. Here’s the deal. It’s not about the quantity of what you eat. It’s about how many meals you eat a day and the total amount of calories you consume in one day, and snacking on a hot pocket or bag of hot Cheetos every hour doesn’t count.
If you were to track your calories (count your calories for everything you eat in one day) you’d most likely be shocked at the amount you eat per day.
Tracking Calories
When I started tracking my calories I realized that I really only eat about 2000 calories per day. In order to gain weight you have to consume more calories than you burn a day. Here’s the best advice I can give in regards to knowing how many calories you should eat a day to gain weight: Screw the online weight gain calculator. It is inaccurate!
If you’re trying to put on weight fast, the magic number is 3000 calories (or 3500 if you’re bold). How do you eat 3000 calories in one day? Easy..kinda. You break it down into six 500 calorie meals. What does this mean? It means that you eat 6 meals in one day, and that each of those meals total up to 500 calories. You would just start early at about no later than 11am to eat your first meal. Then every 2 hours you eat another 500 calorie meal until you get to 6 meals. And by “meal” I don’t mean some big full course meal. I mean something as simple as two egg sandwiches. Here’s an example of how I did it:
- 11am- First meal
- 1pm- Meal
- 3pm- Meal
- 5pm-Meal
- 7pm-Meal
- 9pm-Last meal
* Check out my weight gain meal plan for examples of easy 500 calorie meals and 500 calorie meals that I ate on my website
Please please please don’t think this means you can go stuffing anything down your throat. No you don’t have to eat 100% healthy because its difficult to gain weight fast with healthy food, but this doesn’t include eating chips (potato chips/hot Cheetos/Doritos/etc) or sweets (cake/brownies/donuts/candy/etc.) and you DEFINITELY shouldn’t drink Soda, especially if you’re working out during your journey. If you eat super unhealthy foods like the ones I listed you will gain a lot of fat in your stomach. Also eating things high in sugar breaks down the muscle-building process.
Top foods to eat during your journey:
- White or Wheat bread (or just any type/form of bread)
- Bagels
- Pasta
- Oatmeal
- Potatoes (mashed potatoes/fries/etc.)
- Peanut butter
- Fast food/Chinese food (pizza/Philly cheese steak/burgers/etc)
- Microwaveable meals
- White rice (or just any rice in general)
Apetamin Syrup?

Here was my problem. Because I had went through such a long period of barely eating, my body got used to me barely eating and I ended up having a very low appetite. So how the hell would I have the appetite to eat a 500 calorie meal every 2 hours??? Now what I’m about to talk about doesn’t apply to you if you have a big appetite/have the appetite to eat that much in one day. I recently had discovered a weight-gaining syrup called Apetamin Syrup.
Apetite boost
Listen up though! It is not the syrup itself that makes you gain weight, all the syrup does is give you an appetite. It makes you super hungry. And its 100% legit. Doctors use it as a way to help anorexic girls gain weight. After doing my own little research on the product and watching dozens of positive testimonies about it, I HAD to get it.
I ordered one bottle of it and started off taking 5ml three times a day. The first day it made me so sleepy, but that’s the only side effect. It makes you sleepy the first one or two days. After that you’ll be fine. Since I was at school at the time, what I’d do is start taking 5ml three times a day after school. And I’d wake up super early before school to eat a huge breakfast. With taking Apetamin Syrup and following this “6 meals a day” plan, I successfully gained 25 lbs in ONE MONTH.
Magic in a Bottle
I started seeing results as little as one week. It’s honestly a miracle worker and I highly recommend it to anyone trying to gain weight. It makes your life easier. For that month I used up about 3 bottles. Each bottle was $17.99 plus $10 shipping (from transmaw foods). It was completely worth it. I recommend buying at least two or three bottles when you first purchase it, and the shipping will still be $10.
One bottle lasts about a week and a half to two weeks from taking 5 ml three times a day. The first day you should only take 10ml since you’ll most likely be hella sleepy that day. Remember, it’s the calories that make you gain weight…not the Apetamin. You gotta eat! count those calories! eat those 6 meals a day!
Working out during my weight gain journey

I did workout during this journey. Why? Well first I want to point out that you can’t choose where the weight goes. I highly recommend doing leg/booty workouts because all those extra calories you’ll be eating during your journey are extremely beneficial for trying to build a bigger booty/thicker thighs.
I also recommend doing “ab workouts” and HIIT cardio to try to keep your stomach as small as possible. HIIT cardio is different from normal cardio. Its more fast-paced and usually lasts in between 10-20 mins. Avoid normal cardio AT ALL COSTS. Remember you are trying to gain weight, not lose it.